Thursday, January 30

Porn is a problem


When I was 10 years old I was on the internet trying to find a website to play games. In my search, I accidentally came across a pornographic website. This was the start of an addiction that I struggled with for many years.  As I entered junior high, several of my friends began to make sexual jokes and carried pornography with them at school. In order to fit in with friends, I felt a pressure to engage in pornography and inappropriate behavior. I say all this because I do not want your children to struggle like I did. The first step is to hold yourselves and your children accountable. XXXchurch is an organization that has helped me in my struggle to be pure in heart and mind. They have a program that you download onto your computer and it reports all questionable websites that are visited. I personally own the paid version, but the free version works just fine. You can download the software here. No matter how innocent you think you child is, they will receive the same pressure and temptations that I faced. Take no chances and get accountability software on all of your electronic devices. I would love to be an accountability partner. So after you download the program, you need to put in some email addresses to send reports to. My email is  Let's raise up Godly men and women.

Pastor Christopher.

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